Saturday, 4 August 2012


077 88 55 4106 0121 771 3590 we are at BIZ SPACE BUSINESS PARK BORDESLEY GREEN ROAD BIRMINGHAM B9 4TR 0 77 88 55 4106 0121 771 3590 ASK FOR SAM THIS IS A HEAVY DUTY BOX , SO IF YOUR SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR BASS THIS WILL GET THE MAXIMUM OUT OF YOUR SUBS. THE BOX IS MADE OUT OF MDF AND IS GLUED TOGETHER. NOT SCREWED.TRUST ME THIS GLUE IS STRONG. THE SUBS SIT FLUSH TO THE BOX, MEANING THEY DONT STICK OUT THE BOX. INSIDE THE BOX HAS NO 90 DEGREE ANGELS. WHICH MEANS THE BASS DOES NOT GET TRAPED IN THE CORNERS. ITS ALL BEEN ROUNDED OFF SO THE BASS TRAVELS ROUND AND OUT THE PORT. THE PORT HAS BEE TUNED TO 30 HIRTZ AND TRUST ME IT SOUNDS QUALITY. THE BOX IS 7.5 CUBIC FT SO IT WILL ONLY FIT IN A LARGE HATCH BACK. BOX COST ME 250 SUBS COST ME 150 AMP COST ME 100 2 15"JL AUDIO SUBS IN CUSTOM BOX WITH AMP GRAB A BARGIN ALL FOR 300 ono CALL ME FOR ANY INFO 07957577803 This a **NEW** Halford Maintainance Free HB065 440 AMPS battery. Send me an offer. I bought this battery for 80 thinking there was something wrong with the old battery, found out after my ECU on the car was gone, so scrapped the car and kept the battery, and its still just as new as i got it, its still got the reciepts for it and can be used in future as i payed in cash. Purchased on the 17th of June 2012 so u got plenty of Guarantee left! Save y


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