Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Ford transit roof rach with roller system pull out ladder with walk board £100 no offers +

ford transit roof rack roller bar pull out ladder with walk board very good order 100 no offers quick sale only 100 tel martin on 07791455705 anytime thanks hi there i have set of 17inch mania raceing alloys for sale that have just been fully refurbished in a shadow chrome very nice finish the alloys are a five spoke and the tyres fitted are 2 goodyear nct and 2 kumho solus kh17 all tyres have 5mil tread on them and are in excellent condition these alloys are suitable for any vauxhall five stud vectra astra corsa and saab the pcd is 5at 110mil and the offset is 40mil selling for 380 but will accept 320 cash if intrested you can call or text me on 07788424858 thanks for viewing ALLOYS ARE A VAUXHALL FITMENT BUT ALSO FIT SAAB AS THEY HAVE THE SAME STUD PATTERN ford feista zetec black breaking for spares all parts avalible doors bumpers boot lid engine gear box lights axle etc call donald on 07523866320 HI GOT LOADS OF SPARES WELL EVERYTHING I THINK FROM AN ALFA ROMEO 156 TSPARK RED IN COL X PLATE MOST PARTS OFF AS I WEIGHED THE SHELL IN PLS PHONE IF ANY INTEREST ENGINE BOX CLUTCH STARTER ALTERNATOR GEAR LINKAGE WHEELS ALLOYS DOORS BONNET BOOT QUATER PANNEL WINDOWS FULL YES FULL LEATHER INTERIOR STEERING SHOCKS EXAUST ETC THANKS PRIVATE SALE CALL JOHN ON 07916749977 OR EMAIL GRAB A BARGAIN NEED CLEARED THANKS FOR LOOKING JOHN Ford mondeo 16 inch wheels and tyres with centre caps in good condition 2 excellent tyres and 2 that could do with replacing. im on 07572321653


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